Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh for the Blog of blogging...

Everyone's got a blog these days! Well, I guess that's good...the only way to get to know someone is to get to know someone. Through their blog! Yes, if you want me to get to know you then it seems you need a blog too. Hop on the Bloggetty band wagon why don't you? I like the Facey Book but you kinda only get the headlines of people's lives and not the newspaper. So I guess this is my own "newspaper"... SwedishLederHosen Gassette? He he. Bloggity blog. Where does the whole Swedish LederHosen thing come from. Ask Crystal.

Ok, so blogging's not so hard. Yet. Specially since there's not a whole lot to report today: Iris and I went to the library :). She's been really enjoying that lately and I've been enjoying checking out all the kids movies and copying them when I get home. (Aaar- there be a pirate in me library...) But you didn't hear that from me. What else am I going to do on such a cold day?! My laptop keeps me warm when all its processors are working on making new DVD's. Muahahahhaha.

Till my next post, take care :)


  1. Yeah!!! I'm your first follower!!! I still have 0 followers and can't figure out why! Funny thing, I totally can't remember why SwedishLederhosen is SO funny....all I can picture is us laughing hysterically and it makes me laugh every time I read it....must have been pretty funny to make a life long laugh out of!!!! Love your guts!

  2. Well I added myself as your follower right before I set up this bloggity thingy so you at least have one! Love your guts too :P
